Invitational Events

Sponsorship Packages

Every club needs Sponsors, and the QLCA is no different.  Well that’s not entirely true, they do it differently to most as we give everyone an opportunity to sponsor the club….

Other Clubs

Scoring System

How is a dog scored / judged
Your dog is evaluated on the following points as it is not just a test of speed.

ENTHUSIASM: (Max 15 Points)…


History of QLD Lure Coursing Association

In 1984 Steve and Sabine Mueller arrived from Germany, bringing with them their Afghan hounds and after being involved in Lure Coursing in German for many years, and racing their Afghans on the Greyhound…


Pursuit Magazine

Pursuit Magazine

The Pursuit MAGAZINE/ Pursuit Newsletter The Pursuit Magazine has been around for a long time, for...

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Summer Cup

Summer Cup

Irvine Fordyce Summer Cup Over the summer months, two (2) lure coursing meetings are held in...

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Invitational Events

Invitational Events

The club would like to sincerely thank P&L meats for the supply of their sausages for our meetings.
Other Clubs

Other Clubs

If you want to learn more about the Australian Lure Coursing Association, you can find out here.

Past Results, Gradings, & Title Info

If you are not a financial member of our club, just fill out a membership form and join us!

Contact information

Eric Smith

Vice President
Ian Smith 

Heather Irvine

Race Secretary
Melissa Van Bael

Membership Officer
Steff Redman

Pursuit Magazine Officer
Penny Parker


Keeper of Scores/Trophy Steward
Luke Redman



QLD Lure Coursing  Business Logo
Queensland Lure Coursing Association Inc.
Welcome to the QLCA website where you will find all the information about the club and our unique form of lure coursing.