Invitational Event – Joshua Cup

Invitational Event – Joshua Cup

This cup is named after Joshua, a Saluki owned by Maureen and Greg Mannix.  Joshua was the first dog to obtain the Lure Courser of Merit title and was an outstanding courser.  Joshua has taught a number of dogs to course over the years and was used to help teach some of Maureen’s young Salukis.  Sadly, Greg and Maureen lost Joshua in 2002 at the age of 15.

This is an event for all dogs that are Lure Coursers of Merit. These dogs must have gained this title in the years prior to the year in which the competition is held.

The only requirement for these dogs to be eligible to compete is:-

  • that the owner is still a current member of the club; and
  • the dog must have achieved their Lure Courser of Merit in the previous year

The event is held on a normal coursing day but a longer course is set for that day.

The dogs run twice and are scored as for a normal coursing day with the top scorer winning the event. The scores for those dogs are used for the end of year points scores, as we do not expect the dogs to run again in the normal day’s coursing. Again, a vet check of the dog is carried out for this event as quite a number of our Lure Coursers of Merit are now veterans.  

Entry into this event is at the discretion of the dog’s owner. 


Mala 2017 Joshua Cup Winner

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Queensland Lure Coursing Association Inc.
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